Lily Lou, one thing is for certain, your junior high years were amazing and such a magical time.....even if you did have to wear an ugly turban!
Lily was cast in this year's play Aladdin, JR as the Captain of the Guard Razoul! The play was absolutely spectacular and I am so very proud of her.
Shepherd JR does not disappoint in their productions and this one was no slouch. From the set design, to the costuming, to the casting, it all was absolutely magical.
Lily worked hard for 3 straight months to bring this to the stage and even though she got FLU B on the second night of the run, the kid legit pulled an impressive stunt and finished her final 3 runs of the show feeling all yucky.
Lily was cheered on by a host of people that love her and got to perform with her best friend the incomparable Madi! These girls are the whole package.
Memaw and Papa came down to watch her and were blown away by the play. It all was pretty incredible to be sure.
This kid is such a joy and an absolute delight to watch. She puts her all into everything she does and you can see it on stage.
Here's to all the years of backstage photos ahead of you kiddo! Sky is the limit!