Saturday, August 3, 2024

Top Dog in Elementary

Evie Bee,

It seems only fitting that Gracie Lou be in all of your back to school photos.  You and this enormous ball of fluff are the best of friends.  2 peas and one pod for sure.

6th Grade is here and you are so READY!  I am excited to watch you take on new challenges and build new relationships and friends.  This is your las year of elementary school. So hard to believe!

Kiddo, there is absolutely nothing you can't do. Whether its diving, gymnastics, reading, writing, playing, or loving like Jesus.  I am so proud of you and hope that your last year is amazing and wonderful.

Because you are too!!!

Its time for 8th Grade!


8th Grade. Girlie I love you so much and am so proud of you.  Life is absolutely craziness right now, but we are living and doing.  Its currently September 25th and I am just now getting to this blog.  The other day I asked you if I should stop writing and you asked me to keep fighting for it, because you want the memories.  So I am determined, even if I don't write as much during this season.

This year is going to be such a big year for you.  Advanced show choir and Musical Theatre is going to have you singing, dancing, and living life extra amounts.  I am so excited to watch you flourish, grow, and find your way.

You are not only in all the advanced classes, but also taking an A hour, and Spanish.  Goodness.  I believe in you and Lily Grace, you are the one to do it.

 So proud of you and so excited to watch you walk through your last year of Junior High.