Spoiler Alert: Lily won Student Council Vice President!!!
Okay now for the journey.
About three weeks ago Lily came running in from school and informed Bob and I that she wanted to run for Student Council. Without skipping a beat she said, "Mom and Dad, I want to run for Student Council Vice President!"
No I will admit, my first thought was, are you sure you don't want to maybe start at treasurer? or secretary? or maybe just class representative? I mean to run for Vice President is a big thing, and what if you don't get elected, and what if its scary.....and......and.....and.......
Thank the Lord I did not say one of those things to her (I realized my own insecurities should not be hers!) and instead replied calmly, "Awesome kiddo, but this s something you have to go all in on. I can't do it for you!"
Lily had to write a 1.5 minute speech, make posters, and figure out how to get the vote of her classmates. The speech was the most challenging part. I sat down with her one evening and taught her how to organize her thoughts through an outline. Together we brainstormed what she wanted to include and she took all of our notes and wrote her speech.
I seriously cannot begin to tell you how proud of her I was for taking on the challenge and running with it. Grandma and Grandpa Longmire even sent her flowers of encouragement while she was building her campaign.

She made 2 fabulous posters to hang up at school and spent a couple of lunch and recess hours talking to kids from 3rd to 6th grade confidently asking for their vote.
On the day of the vote Lily was up against 7 other kids for the position. Several of them were 6th graders, but she confidently recorded her speech and believed in her message.
And by golly, SHE WON. Of course she did! I mean this kid is absolutely brimming with purpose and poise. I am so excited to see her lead and make changes. Her strength is in her confidence and empathy.
Congratulations Lily Longmire Student Council Vice President!