Oh Man everyone, she's growing up......FAST. Evie is 22 months today. I thought I had all of this time right after we moved to get this blog together. I finally had the presence of mind to get my big camera out yesterday for some shots and am overwhelmed that the 11th is here.....and leaving quickly. Our little Bee is growing up.
And look how beautifully.......
Our little Evie Frances is unbelievably joyful. It's practically measurable. She wakes up, eats, plays, hugs and giggles with her whole body. Right now she loves to give "skishy uggs" (squishy hugs). These hugs are a happy place for me. Evie literally wraps her arms all the way around my neck and squeezes with all her might. All while making this little grunting sound. I cannot tell you how much they delight me!

Evie has been such a trooper through this moving process. She is so flexible and remains the ever willing one. She loves to play in the car (go figure) and I couldn't help but capture her little ragamuffiny self while she played last night. She crawls all over with her sister, pushing that button and turning that knob. I am confident that I am going to wake up one day to a dead battery because one of my girls has left a light on. Evie also knows where I keep my special stash of emergency animal crackers and oh you should see the pride on her little face when she discovers them and I quite literally find her with her hand in the cookie jar. She sqrunches up her nose and makes the most mischievous Evie face I can imagine. Makes me want to smother her in kisses.
Evie is talking in full out sentences these days. She says her please and thank yous. She is still quite accomplished in her No usage, but these days we occasionally get a "No Kank You!" Hey, I'll take it.
Lily and Evie are LOVING sharing a bedroom and Evie is thrilled to be in a big girl bed. We have a new policy in our house now that at night time the girls get 10 minutes to play before we turn out the lights for bed time. Just last night Bob turned off the lights and an hour later when he went in to check on them found them sound asleep together on Lily's top bunk. It was precious. Oh how I wish I could be a mouse in the corner of their bedroom and hear the sister conversations that happen. I pray daily that these two will discover a friendship like none other and hope fervently that those little bunk beds will be a catalyst.

Evie loves to ride horses and talks about Bom Bom (Bon Bon) all of the time. The biggest item of note this past month is that Evie had her first tumble off a horse. She is so cute because she will tell you, "Ride Bom Bom, Fall off......Bonk Head." And when you ask her "Oh you fell off of Bon Bon?" She will reply, "Uh huh, back on!" She is so proud of herself for falling off, bonking her head (she had a "hemet") and getting back on. Every day she asks me about Memaw, Papa and Bon Bon. We miss them......so much. I tell her daily, don't worry Evie, you will get to ride Bon Bon again....and SOON!
This little girl remains my fearless wonder and is still an absolute social butterfly. She loves new people and goes so willingly into new places. This week I introduced her to our new gym and while she was willing to go in, she did scream, "Mommy UGG! Mommy TISS!" I came back, got a squishy hug, kissed her on the lips and off she went. She is so big and brave. My little busy Bee.
I feel as though in some strange way I lost this past month with her. Between going to Hawaii and moving she has become a new little girl. I am so grateful to be settled and able to be with her more fully now. She is simply so fun and so life giving.
Evie Frances, you are a true treasure little girl. You have so much love to give and you make those around you joyful. I see Jesus shining through your life already and I look forward to watching to grow in grace and beauty. I hope I will always remember you like this...........that fierce little lady with sand up her nose and popsicle on her cheek.
All My Love