We had a rather monumental thing occur recently and I wanted to be sure that I immortalized it. Lily officially said bye bye to her Boo Boo (paci). For those of you who know Lily intimately you probably know that she has been completely attached to that little item since birth. She was just one of those kids that was a pacifier kid, and we KNEW it. I actually thank heaven above that someone created such a neat little contraption because it gave me many an extra few minutes of sleep in her tiny years.
As Lily got older I could see clearly that it was going to be a tough battle getting rid of the Boo Boo so we started with small steps. First it was to only have it at nap times and bed times. We did well even if she had a few digressing periods of time. Soon we got it mastered and she was content to have them only for sleeping. Let me tell you though, if she didn't have them........END OF THE WORLD. She was so attached to them at night that she asked Bob to tie ribbons on them so that she could hold onto them and find them. To be honest I did have that moment where I was thinking she was going to go to high school with her little boo boo tucked away safely in her back pack.
Well about 6 months ago we cut all of the tips off of her boo boos so that they were literal nubs. We thought for sure she would be rid of them because there was NOTHING to suck on, but she proved us all wrong and clung to them like a night time lifeline. So we didn't push it too much, but frankly I was getting tired of having to keep track of the silly things (I cannot tell you how many times we travelled and I worried the whole time about the boo boo!)
As her 3rd birthday approached we started talking about all of the things she as a big 3 year old would do and included saying bye bye to the boo boos in the list. Lily would politely tell us "Mommy, Daddy I'm not ready to say bye bye to my boo boos." We would calmly reply, "Well Lily soon you will be ready and when you are you just let us know, okay?" "Okay" she would say, but reiterate "but not right now I'm not ready."
We registered her for swim lessons to start following her birthday and kept on telling her that since she was 3 she gets to do all of this fun stuff! Casually, about 2 weeks before swim lessons started, Bob said to her "Lily, why don't we say bye bye to your boo boos when we go to our first swim lessons?" I knew it was a long shot, but Lily thought about it and then said, "Yeah! I want to say bye bye to my boo boos at swim lessons, but not right now." I couldn't believe it!
For two weeks she kept telling us that swimming day would be the day. I was doubtful, but the morning swim lessons came Lily woke up, put her swimsuit on, grabbed that precious boo boo and confidently walked it right to the garbage.
There was not one tear shed and she has been awesome ever since (now of course we have to have 2 Minnies, 1 Mickey, a little kitty and her special blanket in its place, but........one battle at a time!)
I am simply so proud of her. What a big girl thing to do.
Way to go Lily Lu!
Miss Evie Bee hangs with Mom or Dad while the other swims with Lily |