Yep, the dreaded day has arrived when she can now put a word to the attitude, "No" popped out of my precious little angel's mouth the other day when I told her it was time to get off the couch. At first I was so taken back that I asked her again, giving her the benefit of the doubt. Again I heard a clear "No." Her no is so precious because it sounds kind of nasally and a little bit whiny. Truthfully, at this stage it is hard not to laugh at the toddler defiance. Today I asked her if she wanted more food, instead of replying with her "all done," she replied with a head shake and a "No!" So instead of getting upset, I worked with her on "No, Thank you." That is going to take some time since the one word is so much easier to say. What a cute little booger.
Lily's favorite thing to do is climb on EVERYTHING. Whenever she actually makes it up into a chair, on the couch or wherever, she has such a sense of accomplishment. Her everest has been our bed and she has figured out how to summit all by herself. Oh Boy. So many times last week I thought she was in her room and discovered her giggling on our bed. She has also discovered that she can climb onto the toilet and get to the countertop where we have stored the toilet paper and all manner of fun things.

This is how I found her one morning, up on the toilet, and yes, she is eating the toilet paper. MMMMMMMM
Summer is quickly arriving on North Carolina's doorstep and we are loving it. It really is wonderful to be able to run in the mornings without having to have 4 layers on the baby, 3 layers on me and a fast "stay warm" pace. Ah, so much nicer when its relaxed! Grace got a double jogger this past week so that she can run when she nannies. She took it out for a spin with the littles and they LOVED it.

What fun to be able to sit right next to your best friend while running. They kicked, squealed and laughed all the while Grace pushed the 80 pounds. And she thought one baby was heavy!
Jancsi and Lily are getting closer and closer with each day. To Lily Jancsi is "Gangi," and to Jancsi Lily is "Deedee." It took us a while to figure out that Jancsi calls her Deedee, but sure enough, we came through the door the other day to his delighted "DEEdee!" So absolutely precious. The thought of ever having to split up these kids is a sadness I am certainly not ready to bear and I pray the Lord's grace when it does happen. They love each other so much (even if it is expressed through Lily hitting Jancsi on the head to tears, or Jancsi biting Lily to tears-Love in any language....)
Jancsi turned the big ONE last week and we had a little celebration at our house. We gave the kids cupcakes and watched them celebrate through sugar consumption. What a mess we had! After Lily put frosting all over her face and mushed up the cupcake, she started mooching off of Jancsi's tray.

Needless to say, they were covered and immediately sent to the bath! It is so fun to celebrate these milestones together!
Lily got a super special suprise from her Grandma and Grandpa Longmire last week too. A cute little suitcase filled with goodies of all shapes and sizes came. Lily had a blast opening it.

Her favorite things were the sunglasses, bubbles, alphabet puzzle and the baby.

Lily is very fond of babies right now and very aware of them. Everywhere we go she is constantly going "baby, baby." She sees them before I do! What she really wanted from the baby in the suitcase was its paci (or to Lily "booboo"). Once she had examined all of the new exciting stuff she of course discovered the box. It really is the simplest things that delight these little humans. Simply love this girl.

The Lord is moving in big ways in our little families these days and while nothing is certain, the Lord is cetrainly leading. Grace and I both find ourselves in moments of great doubt and moments of great trust. We have both really started to understand that sometimes the deserts of uncertainty can really be catalysts for the greatest growth and faith transformation. I look forward to getting more answers and seeing where the Lord is taking us...........