The Fall is such a BEAUTIFUL season out here in North Carolina. The lush foliage turns into an exquisite color palate and just engulfs every view around.

I also love it because the leaves stick around for a good month and a half so we get to enjoy the colors for a long time. It was an especially wonderful weekend this past few days because we got to head out to Boone and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Sebron and Grace took us out to his Mammy's house just outside of Boone and we had a fantastic time!
The mountains of North Carolina are somewhat different than the Colorado Rockies, but so beautiful. Once we made it up to the house, we got settled and then headed to the Cascades for a quick and chilly hike. The Cascades are an exquisite waterfall and you actually get to hike all down the fall.

We borrowed a backpack from one of our friends. It was so cool because Lily got to piggy back on me which kept me warm too. What a cutie! The 4 of us love having kiddos that will go wherever we go. We just bundle them up and pack them along.
The next morning, after a long baby nap, we headed further into Boone towards Grandfather Mountain.

The traffic was crazy to get up the mountain so we decided to head around the back and hike up the less known trails. We ate a little Picnic lunch before we headed up the hill. Lily was loving her graham crackers and Jancsi was mesmerized with everything.

The hike was beautiful and covered with leaves and big trees. We passed by this beautiful waterfall and took a few moments to enjoy the scene.

Lily enjoyed most of the time in dreamland on her Daddy's back. After a couple of hours we headed back down the hill, stopped at a roadside jammery (jelly shop?) and took a tour of the Mast General Store.

It was such a step back in time. The General Store is over 100 years old and has been turned into a massive store offering everything from kitchen accessories, clothes, shoes, candy in barrels and old fashioned coke in a bottle.

What a great experience. Jancsi got to be the town sheriff for a couple of minutes and Miss Lily got to be her new favorite animal. HOO, HOO, HOO, HOO!

Once we made it back home we all had a scrumptious dinner, bathed the babies (check back soon for that story!), put the babies to bed and spent an evening around the Settlers Board Game. What fun!

We ended the week with church on the hill. Before church we ate at the amazing Dan'l Boone Inn for breakfast. It was an all you can eat (on a turntable) breakfast with everything from baked apples, cinnamon buns, bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes and country grits. YUM!

Lovely, beautiful and majestic weekend!