10, 10, the Perfect 10, Lily is 10 months old today! She is growing like gang busters and is just so much fun to be around. The other day I told Bob that she was going to be 10 months old and he turned to me and said, "Oh my gosh, one day I am going to come home and she is going to be 30 and I am going to be an old man." Ah how much the perspective of time changes!

Each new step in her life is such a blast and I am continually amazed at how every change brings with it so much new adventure not only for her but for her Mommy and Daddy. She is so engaged in her world around her and aware of everything these days. She loves to be on, over or in everything and is like a magnet to things lodged in corners or under tight spaces. Her little chubby hands maneuver their way into those spaces and bring out all sorts of treasures including old tissues that never got thrown away and dog hair piles. I am waiting for the day when she reaches behind something and pulls out a dead bug. Ah the innocence of youth!
She is talking more these days and just babbling everything she can. We are really hoping that a Mom or Momma is going to pop out soon. She gets the sounds out, but has yet to connect them with me. I feel so silly sitting in front of her pointing at myself going "Momma, Momma." She always sits and looks at me in complete bewilderment and confusion wondering what in the world I am doing. One day little one, it will all make sense.
We have such a great time each and every day especially because she is on such a nice routine. She is officially sleeping through the night. We are talking 7:30PM to 7AM. HALLELUJIAH! Never thought I would get to say that sentence! She still desperately attempts to get me up somewhere around 3-4:30 every morning, but I have lowered the boom and no longer come to visit. There have been a few dramatic mornings where she has had to fuss herself back to sleep, but she is getting better and better at it. What a good little girl! Of course my sweet roommate Grace is still dealing with a 5 month old Jancsi who likes the every hour schedule. I suppose we all have to go through it, but it is wonderful to be on the other side. Now on to the next stage.....
As for everything that Lily has been up to lately, I thought I would let her tell you about it.........
Hi Everyone, Lily here, oh I have so much to tell you about all that I have been up to. The world is such a fun place and I love discovering it.
First of all, have you heard of these things called magnets? They are so cool and they stick to the big white box in the kitchen. I cannot believe how much fun it is to pull them off and put them on.

The best part is that I don't lose my toy! When I get bored with my magnets, I can always do exercises on the big white door.

Second, I LOVE pillows. Mom and Dad have so many pillows on their bed and it is so much fun to crawl in them.

The best part is that when I get tired I can lay down and snuggle in the softness. AHHHH delightful.

Thirdly, helping Mom with the laundry is the most fun.

I think she might have told you about it, but my job is to pull the basket over and get out all of the laundry. I am not sure why mom puts the laundry back in the basket once it is folded. It makes no sense because I just have to pull it out again for her.

Silly Mommy.
Fourth is the DVD Shelf. I could never figure out why Mom and Dad had this big shelf full of these boxes. What do you use them for? Then I discovered how fun they are to pull out. So that's why they have them, so that I can play with them.

Fifth is running with Mom. She used to have to lay my seat down so that I wouldn't bobble around, but now I sit up so tall and big and I love to see where we are headed. Mommy thinks it is so cute because the wind blows my hair and makes it stand up all funny.

Sixth is special Mommy time. I love watching Mommy cook dinner for us.

Seventh is Daddy time. I love snuggling with Dad. Dad is so tall and strong and when he holds me I can see a whole new world.

Eighth is learning that everything, including the dishwasher, is like a built in jungle gym just for me.

Ninth takes the cake because I am learning all about walking. I don't really want to do it yet because it is so hard and I am so wobbly, but when Daddy holds me I feel like maybe someday I will learn the whole walking thing.

And Finally, I love Rocky and I especially love sharing my snacks with him!