Hi Everyone, Lily here. Thought I would tell you the latest news instead of Mom. She is napping right now so I thought I would fill everyone in on what I have been up to lately.
The world is SOOOOO cool! It is amazing everything that I learn every day. I really love my bath time and it is my favoritist time of the day. Daddy usually gives me my bath and he makes me laugh. His big hands scrub, scrub, scrub my head and get my hairs all cleaned.

We have so much fun with cups and Daddy plays with me by squirting me with my toy crab and dolphin (Moe). After my bath Daddy also gets to give me my bottle. I love to help Daddy hold my bottle, but sometimes I am so tired that I can't even stay awake long enough to finish. The other night I fell so fast asleep that I was sitting up sleeping! How funny is that? Mommy and Daddy just had to laugh and of course they took a picture!

I have also been having so much fun with Mommy. During the week she always makes dinner for Daddy and I help her by playing on the floor next to her. I roll over and end up all over the place because Mommy says I don't understand direction.

Its so frustrating because I end up rolling away from my toys and then I can't reach them. That must be what she is talking about. Anyways, I still have fun and guess what I found the other day? My feet and toes!

They are so fun to play with. Mommy tickles them and that makes me laugh too.
Oh, I have to tell you about something that happened this past week. Mommy put this weird thing in my mouth with some orange stuff on it. I think she said it was sweet potatoes or something. Well, you see, apparently I have to start eating solid foods and so Mommy and Daddy were trying to teach me about it. It was so silly. How in the world are you supposed to suck on that spoon thingy?

And, that potato stuff sure is different. I think I like it, but I am really not sure. Mom said I ended up with more of it on me than in my mouth. Thats okay, right? The next night Daddy tried it again and I still couldn't make that spoon thing work right.

Thats okay because it was much more interesting to hold than eat off of.
Today Mommy, Daddy and I went for an 11 mile run and then we came home. Rocky, Daddy and I were playing together on the floor and Daddy tickled me!

Silly Daddy. We played this game where every time I rolled over he kissed me and snuggled with me. I love my Daddy.
Well, I think I hear Mommy waking up. I better go ...... BYE!