Summer has come in Arizona and I have relegated myself to the house. The heat outside is so miserable and even more so when you have a little heater attached! You know how people who live in freezing climates get depressed around the winter season because of the consistent cold and snow? Well it is exactly opposite here. When Summer comes, I just cringe. This week it is supposed to be 110 degrees! Who lives in that?
Last week we did manage to register for all of our baby stuff. It is amazing how much stuff our culture thinks our kids need. How did they do it in the 1800s when all they had was a cloth diaper and cradle? Seriously, wipe warmers?? How entitled can we make our kids? Between the Bippys, Boppys, Bumbos, Bouncers and Boopies I was like, are you kidding? Thankfully I had Anna come with us to help weed through all of the nonsense! I think the coolest part was that I got to park in the Babies R Us Stork Parking. I was so excited I took a picture!

Life has been so challenging lately. Bob is out of town more and more during this transition process. He is so busy with his new job that he spends a lot of his off time just trying to catch up and be on top of everything before he has to go travelling again. Our whole house is in boxes and I am somewhat confined to the house, the mall, or the movies. Really any place with major A/C. I had a good laugh yesterday when I went to the mall, got a lemonade and just sat and people watched for an hour. Oddly it was very relaxing and enjoyable. Am I getting old?
The baby, promotion and move are all such blessings, and yet I cannot believe how overwhelming all of the changes have become. Aren't these three of the 5 major life changes that causes stress? I have found myself experiencing a lot of fear and trepidation. Most of my fears center around my pregnancy. Having to find a doctor, establish a relationship and prepare for the marathon of labor and delivery is consuming. I have gotten in touch with a recommended doctor and hospital, but now I have got to get all my medical records to them, set up childbirth classes and make sure I know how to get there. Did you know that North Carolina road systems are like a plate of spaghetti? Yeah, they make absolutely no sense and nothing is set up like a grid. It will be an adventure to say the least! I also realized that because I am moving across the nation, all of the stores will be different. At least when we moved from Colorado to Arizona, I still had my Safeway. North Carolina doesn't even have a Safeway! Now where am I supposed to shop for groceries? I know, seems totally irrational, but when life is out of control it is the small things that help keep it in balance!
I think that the most worrisome thing right now is our house. We have had it on the market for two months with no offers. It is terrifying to think that we are going to have to short sale our home. We love our house and it is so sad to leave it and go back to apartment living. I never want to be one of those people who are super attached to their things, but we have put so much effort and energy in to making our house our home and it is sad to leave it. I was just telling a dear friend the other day that sometimes the greatest blessings come when we let go and let God, but letting go is sometimes painful and challenging. I am so excited to head on this new adventure into parenthood and North Carolina with Bob. I could not imagine a more perfect level headed partner to share this life with. I found some of these old pictures the other day and thought how wonderful our life has been.

We weren't even dating here. Just really good friends.

Yes, those are overalls and yes that is Bob under all that hair!

Our favorite date, a day on the rocks in the Rocky Mountains. It is hard to believe that I was a decent rock climber once upon a time!

At our engagement party, just a moment for a picture.

Our first Half Marathon together! We were engaged here and 5 months from wedded bliss.
So as I do my best to handle these many life changes with grace and trust I am focusing on spending time with my girlfriends and enjoying the good things of Arizona. I realize that this time is precious and that I will remember the Arizona Chapter in our life with fondness and joy. The friendships that we have gained will forever be a part of our lives and part of Lily's life too. The Lord has lavished His grace on us and has continued amaze us. Being in His will is the most exciting place to be.